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We did it!

Today, the General Assembly gave final passage to three bills—HB 1001, HB 1164, and HB 1167—that will create:

  •  A moratorium on counting test scores in teacher and principal evaluations until at least the 2016-17 school year.
  • A workgroup with strong educator representation to get to the bottom of and address the many implementation problems plaguing Common Core and evaluations.
  • A legislative oversight process that can help prevent the Maryland State Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Education from unilaterally mandating what goes in your evaluation.

These bills can help us finally put some common sense back into Maryland’s implementation of Common Core, PARCC, and evaluations. Support for these bills was overwhelming and bipartisan—proof that your advocacy made a huge impact on legislators.

All that’s left is for Governor O’Malley to sign these bills into law.

Please call the governor today and urge him to sign them by dialing MSEA’s legislative hotline, 888/520-MSEA (6732).

You’ll hear a short prompt before being connected with the governor’s office where you can leave your message.

Thank you for all of your phone calls, emails, and conversations with legislators to make this a reality. It’s great news, and a big win for students, educators, and MSEA!


Betty Weller

MSEA President




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