Board of Directors

Sean Heyl

Sean Heyl
I am an English teacher as a time release president of EACC. I have been teaching in the county for 27 years. I was hired to be an Emotional Adjustment teacher then moved into teaching English.

Veronica Golden
Vice President

Veronica Golden
Vice President
I am the proud art teacher at Gale-Bailey Elementary. I am an artist, wife, and mother to a very energetic 4 year old.
Originally from the Pittsburgh area, I am a huge fan of the Steelers and the Penguins. I attended Edinboro University, graduating in 2006 with a degree in Art Education and began teaching for CCPS three days after graduating.
Growing up around strong union values, I have brought that experience to the Education Association of Charles County when I first became involved in 2009 as a building rep. I then joined the EACC Government Relations Committee and was introduced to the very large roll politics play in public education.
Through my experiences on the GR committee I decided to run for office within the association and was elected to the Executive Board. I am now honored to serve as the EACC Vice President, combining my union values and leadership experience to help create a strong association and advocacy for strong public schools.

Will Lewis

Will Lewis
I am a social studies teacher in my 13th year of teaching with Charles County Public Schools. I’ve served as a Building Representative, Executive Board Member-at-Large, EACC Secretary, and am currently the EACC Treasurer. I’ve been an elected delegate to both the MSEA and NEA Conventions where I’ve been a consistent advocate for educators and our profession. I currently serve as Vice-Chair of our Government Relations Committee. In my free time I like to attend concerts, travel, and watch sports.
Deidra Baker
Board Member
Deidra Baker
Board Member
My name is Deidra R Baker and I am a 23 year veteran in education. Education is a pillar of society that must be upheld and respected by and for all. I am a Compliance Facilitator in SPED and a parent of two CCPS graduates. I became involved in union business to become a better advocate for educators and students. I have a business degree from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, masters degree in Special Education and Transitions from George Washington University and am currently completing a masters degree in Legal Studies from Trinity Law School and a doctoral program in organizational leadership from Grand Canyon University.

Shawn Starcher
Board Member

Shawn Starcher
Board Member
Shawn Denton Starcher has been teaching in CCPS for 27 years. She currently serves as a Teacher Academy of Maryland instructor training the next generation of Charles County’s education professionals. Previously, she served as an EACC Rep for over 17 years, on the EACC Executive Board as Member-at-Large, as an NEA-Rep Assembly Host Committee Treasurer, and as a MSEA Delegate Rep to the annual MSEA Assembly for over a decade. Shawn continues to work closely with the GR Committee to increase local awareness of education issues that are affected by local & state politics, and she is working to elevate the awareness of young teachers on the importance of union activism and their employee rights & responsibilities.

Linda Shackelford
Board Member
Linda Shackelford
Board Member
I began my teaching career in 1997 at Benjamin Stoddert Middle School in Charles County as a Special Education teacher. From there, I transferred to Prince George’s County in 2001 where I stayed for 16 years. I decided to return to Charles County to so I could be closer to where my own children were attending school. My passion for educators and students to continue to grow with every year I am in Education. On a personal note, I enjoy going to the beach and cruising.
Donna Robinson
Board Member
Donna Robinson
Board Member
I have been with Charles County Public Schools in the capacity of a substitute teacher, math teacher, counselor and Pupil Personnel Worker. I have been with EACC since starting and have been a building representative for over 22 years. I have 2 grown children and 7 grandchildren. I own a small farm with pigs, chickens, ducks, Sulcata Tortoise and a dog. My hobby would be taking care of my mother and the nature surrounding me. I enjoy what I do, and I plan to do it for a while.

LeWan Jones
Board Member - Unit II Representative

Peter Ullmann
Board Member

Peter Ullmann
Board Member
Peter is a 25-year veteran teacher who has worked in elementary, middle, high school, college, and alternative settings. He is a former delegate to both MSEA and NEA conventions, representing the interests of our members, and has repeatedly served as a participating member of the New Business Item (NBI) Committee. At MSEA, he has submitted and had NBIs adopted by the convention delegation.
Locally, Peter has served as the Membership Committee Chair, Chair of the Crab Feast, a member of the Ruth Ann Hall Scholarship Committee, a member of CCPS’ Disciplinary Review Committee, and has been a participating member of the Public Relations (PR) & Government Relations (GR) and Instruction and Professional Development (IPD) committees. He has also worked to get out the vote for local elected officials by canvassing and passing out Apple Ballots, and has attended EACC’s Lobby Nights to speak with our elected officials.
Peter currently teaches Chorus at John Hanson Middle School, serves as his building’s Synergy Coordinator, and has served in Charles County Public Schools since the 2007-2008 school year.

Simone Young
Board Member

Simone Young
Board Member
I began my educational career as a science teacher, and later moved into supporting teachers as an instructional coach, resource teacher, and currently work as the district STEM coordinator. In my 26 years as an educator, I have always believed that serving in my association as one of the most impactful ways that I can contribute to my community.

Leslie Schroeck
Board Member - Retired

Leslie Schroeck
When I retired from CCPS after 32 years of active involvement in EACC, I knew I was not ready to break my ties with EACC/MSEA/NEA. I felt there was more I could do to support the association and its members. As the Retired Members’ Representative on the Executive Board, my goal is to increase our retired membership and provide service to EACC.