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Planning Time

Review Article 13 of the EACC_CCPS_FY22 Negotiated Agreement_FINAL for more information.

H.)  Planning Time

Middle school and high school teachers shall normally be provided, in addition to their lunch period, one (1) self-directed planning period during the student day. In secondary block-scheduled schools, at least 45 minutes of the block will be self-directed teacher planning time; the remaining time in the block period may be used at the discretion of the principal for other purposes.
Elementary teachers will be provided 240 minutes per week self-directed preparation time during the student day. Planning time will be scheduled in blocks of no fewer than 40 minutes each day.
Virtual Academy teachers will be provided 240 minutes of self-directed planning time per week, in no less than 45 minute increments each day.
Resource teachers, Speech and Language Pathologists, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Counselors, Media Specialists and all other Unit I employees will structure their schedules to allow for flexibility while still providing the same time as described above for Unit I employees within the student day for planning and preparation.
a) Special Education – Special education teachers who do not have a recurring daily planning period designed for IEP case work, over and above normal planning as described above, will be provided with one full day each quarter during the normal student day for IEP case work at the teacher’s own direction. The scheduling of these days of IEP planning will be developed in collaboration between the principal and the teacher so as to address the workload most efficiently.
b) In addition to the days described in paragraph a) above, special education teachers who serve as case managers for five (5) or more students with IEPs may request up to one additional day per quarter for IEP case work. The principal will approve these additional days, as long as they are not scheduled so as to conflict with the school’s educational program. The scheduling of these days of IEP planning will be developed in collaboration between the principal and the teacher so as to address the workload most efficiently.

N.)  Tenured teachers may volunteer to teach one extra class during their normal planning period; such teachers will have an amount equal to one-seventh of the annual pay for their step and lane added to their annual pay for the year in which they teach this extra class. This extra amount will be reflected on the teacher’s assignment sheet so as to count towards his or her retirement benefit. All tenured teachers who are interested in teaching a class during their normal planning period as outlined above should contact the principal of the school to express their interest in doing so. The principal will consider all such requests before making a decision.

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