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MSEA Elections – EACC Endorsed Candidates

MSEA Elections – EACC Endorsed Candidates and Charles County educators running for NEA delegates


The EACC Executive Board would like to provide you with recommendations for the MSEA state offices.  We recommend support for/endorsement of:


President – Betty Weller


Vice President- Cheryl Bost


MSEA Board of Directors(4)

Richard Benfer

Joe Coughlin

Lori Hrinko

Debbie Schaefer


For NEA Director(1)

The Executive Board was split in its opinions.  The three candidates who were supported by different members of the Exec Board are:

Paul Lemle, Russell Leone, and Theresa Dudley.


If you are interested in reading the candidates’ bios before voting, please go to http://marylandeducators.org/elections-nominations


The Charles County educators that are running for either Regional Delegate or MSEA State Delegate are:


NEA Region 2 Delegates – Vote for up to six (6)

NEA Regional State Delegates, 2015 NEA Convention

 Traci Davis, Charles

Alexis Eaton, Charles

Cheryl L. Ervin, Charles

Amy Hones, Charles

Veronica “Roni” McFadden, Charles

Joe McMahan, Charles

Denise Pratt, Charles

Bill Reamy, Charles

Kathy Reamy, Charles

Margot P. Savoy, Charles

Tara Schohn, Charles


NEA At-Large State Delegate – Vote for up to

NEA At-Large State Delegates, 2015 NEA Convention

Traci Davis, Charles

Alexis Eaton, Charles

Cheryl L. Ervin, Charles

Debra “Debbie” Haan, Charles

Amy Hones, Charles

Veronica “Roni” McFadden, Charles

Linda McLaughlin, Charles

Joe McMahan, Charles

Denise Pratt, Charles

Kathy Reamy, Charles

Bill Reamy, Charles

Margot P. Savoy, Charles

Tara Schohn, Charles


If you have already voted, THANK YOU!  If you have not, please do so!  The deadline is February 20th, 2015.

Click here  to VOTE NOW!




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