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Income Protection Benefits

The Benefits of Income Protection from The Hartford

What is Income Protection?

Income Protection is disability insurance that can be applied either in the short term or the long term. It is used to replace your income when you are not working.

What is the difference between Health Insurance and Income Protection?

Health insurance is used to pay doctors and hospitals. It does not cover other bills and expenses. Income Protection pays you when you run out of sick days and Sick Leave so that, if you are out of work, you can still cover your essential bills and expenses.

What about the difference between Income Protection and FMLA?

FMLA protects your job while you take off up to 12 weeks in a 12 month period. However, FMLA does not offer paid leave. Income protection does.

What are the benefits of Disability Insurance?

Disability Insurance pays you in cash to cover your every day bills and expenses if you need to take off from work. It pays on top of the benefits you receive from the Board of Education and your health insurance, neither of which will cover all of your expenses. In addition, the Hartford offers exceptionally low rates, including low rates for spousal coverage.

How does the Hartford cover you?

  • Pays you up to 2 years to age 67.
  • Pay is based on your annual income
  • Pays for off the job accidents
  • Provides payment for surgery or illness if you are out of leave

There is no waiting period – begins on the first day you are out of work without pay

Provides additional coverage for spouses.

Please feel free to contact an EPS Advisor for more information. We will ensure you have adequate coverage to supplement your current coverage plan. Call 1-877-884-3784 – we will consult with you at your school or in your home with your spouse.

*See policy for specific terms, conditions, policy description, limitations and exclusions

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