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In-Service Days and Teacher Planning

Article 13 “Working Hours and Work Load” of the EACC_CCPS_FY23 Negotiated Agreement_FINAL for more information.


Early Dismissal Days
During ten (10) of the two-hour student early dismissal days contained in any year’s school calendar, the time after the students leave will be provided to all Unit I employees for additional planning and preparation time at their own individual direction. No mandatory meetings will be scheduled during this time. These designated planning days will be observed as specified in the school calendar. The Board will make every effort to include in each year’s calendar an average of one such early dismissal day per month (a total of ten (10) such days per school year).
The Board will make every effort to align four of the ten (10) teacher planning days described above on the calendar so that they can be used by teachers to prepare interim reports for students.
One-half (3.5 hours) of a teacher in-service day in the fall and one-half (3.5 hours) of the January semester break will be provided for school-based professional development and meetings at the individual Principal’s discretion.
I. Where possible, department heads and team leaders should have additional time for planning and carrying out their other duties.
J. The Board will provide class coverage for teacher participation in IEP meetings when the teacher is required to attend. Employees will not be required to attend IEP meetings during their self-directed planning and duty-free lunch.
K. Employees with more than five (5) years of teaching experience in Charles County who have received no unsatisfactory ratings in any category of their two (2) most recent evaluations may substitute a professional development plan for one (1) in-service day. Such plan must be approved by the school principal. The plan must address the individual growth needs of the employee and be submitted not later than ten (10) workdays prior to the scheduled in-service day.
L. All Unit I school based employees, will have a minimum of two full employee workdays or one full day and two (2) half days of self-directed time at the start of the new school year so that they may adequately prepare for the arrival of students. Half days can be broken into no less than 3.5-hour blocks of time. No meetings will be held during the two (2) days of designated time for such preparation.
One and a half of the two designated teacher planning days will be provided prior to the last teacher day before students arrive for the new school year. The remaining preparation time will be the last 3.5 hours of the day before students arrive. School based meetings and orientations may be held on the morning of the day before students arrive, but these activities must conclude before the middle of the normal employee workday.

H.1.) Report Card Preparation

a) Quarters 1, 2 and 3:
A minimum of two (2) hours shall be provided at the end of each marking period for the purpose of report card preparation. At the end of the second quarter, one-half of the teacher workday will be devoted to report card preparation and other end of the semester activities at the individual teacher’s direction. No other events or meetings will be scheduled during this time.
The end of the marking period will be at least one day before the day designated for employee report card preparation time as described above.
Employees will not be required to export grades sooner than the end of the workday on the day after the designated planning time.
Employees who submit all necessary report card information by the designated deadline will not be required to submit report card corrections until the end of the next workday after receiving edit suggestions from administration.
b) Quarter 4:
Teachers will be provided at least four hours to complete final grades. Final grades will be due no sooner than the day before the final day of school for students. Senior grades for the 4th quarter will be completed following the guidelines and due dates set by central office in relation to seniors’ last day of school. Two hours will be allotted for report card preparation. Final senior grades will be due no sooner than the end of this designated planning time.
c) Special area teachers will not be required to submit their grades any earlier than the regular education teachers.


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