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A Guide to Co-Teaching: New Lessons and Strategies to Facilitate Student Learning

Richard A. Villa, Ann I. Nevin, Jacqueline S. (Sue) Thousand

 Your go-to guide for co-teaching!

When you and a co-teacher bring together your individual skill sets and strategies, you’ll create a more enjoyable, creative, and productive teaching experience—with more effective outcomes for students. Featuring updated research and case studies, this brand-new edition of the go-to guide profiles the supportive, parallel, complementary, and team-teaching approaches to co-teaching. New features include:

  • Updated discussions of co-teaching in the RTI process
  • New explorations of the roles of paraprofessionals, administrators, and even students
  • New lesson plans linked to the Common Core and technology
  • Forms and tools for establishing trust, improving communication, and planning

A Guide to Co-Teaching With Paraeducators: Practical Tips for K-12 Educators

Ann I. Nevin, Richard A. Villa, Jacqueline S. (Sue) Thousand

Learn how paraeducators can positively impact the achievement of students with special needs in the inclusive classroom!

This comprehensive guide outlines how teachers and paraeducators can work together to improve outcomes for students with special needs while meeting standards in a climate of accountability. The authors highlight four approaches to co-teaching and school-system supports that allow for appropriate supervision and ongoing training. The book also provides:

  • Reproducible forms that teachers and paraeducators can use to establish effective co-teaching roles
  • Real-life accounts of three paraeducators
  • Concept maps, chapter summaries, and a glossary of terms for easy navigation


Paraprofessionals and Teachers Working Together: Highly Effective Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms

Susan Fitzell

This book is a must read for all general and special education teachers and paraprofessionals, though anyone who works with children would benefit from reading it. Consider it a playbook for successful behavioral management and collaborative support of a child’s educational advancement. Teachers and paraprofessionals are given communication strategies to consider when working together. With the help of the handbook, educators can avoid any confusion or contradictions of teaching methods. Managing behavior and providing academic support to students is also outlined. The book is packed with supplemental material for reuse, including a plethora of strategic checklists and chart templates for recording student data. The second edition provides more! Instructions on effective strategies are supplied with forms and charts to prepare educators. Personal checklists included in the book outline the steps necessary to achieve positive changes in behavior and information retention in students. Other forms and charts organize data to assist in making informed decisions about what techniques will have the best success. Paraprofessionals and teachers are encouraged to take full advantage of having the organizational tools already created for them.

Purposeful Co-Teaching: Real Cases and Effective Strategies

Gregory (Greg) J. (James) Conderman, Theresa Pedersen, Mary V. (Valerie) Bresnahan

Create powerful teaching partnerships that promote success for every student in inclusive classrooms!

Ideal for both general and special education classrooms, this indispensible resource integrates interpersonal skills, instructional design, and teaching philosophy to guide educators through the beginning stages of co-teaching relationships toward smooth collaboration. The authors provide proven instructional strategies such as visuals, mnemonics, formative assessment, and more, for use within co-teaching partnerships. Additional resources include:

  • Chapter activities and checklists for planning lessons
  • Case studies from various subject areas and grade levels to illustrate the realities of co-teaching
  • Resources such as books, videos, and helpful Web sites

Teaching in Tandem: Effective Co-Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom

Gloria Lodato Wilson, Joan Blednick

Co-teaching is an equal partnership between a special education teacher and a general education teacher. They share a classroom and responsibilities for teaching all students in the class. But what does co-teaching look like? How does it work? Are we doing it right? Finding the answers to these questions is critical to the effectiveness of a co-teaching program that is grounded in inclusive educational practices. In this book, you’ll learn how co-teachers

*Define what effective co-teaching is and what it is not; *Engage students in evolving groups, using multiple perspectives for meaningful learning opportunities; *Resolve differences in teaching and assessment practices; *Respond to parents and students about inclusion and co-teaching concerns; and *Organize and teach an equitable, inclusive classroom.

Concise and informative answers to questions posed by real teachers, administrators, and parents help you learn about the components of co-teaching. And vignettes about issues that arise in co-teaching situations will help you start conversations and solve day-to-day challenges inherent to co-teaching.

Whether you’re already involved in co-teaching programs or are soon to embark on the effort, Teaching in Tandem provides knowledge and tools that you can use to create effective partnerships and powerful learning environments for teachers and students alike. Every teacher, principal, administrator, and paraprofessional who participates in co-teaching—or who is worried about how to address inclusion—needs this book.


The Speducator’s Inside Guide to Effective Co-Teaching: Special Education

MR Duane a. Wizzard

“The Speducator’s Inside Guide to Effective Co-teaching” presents an in-depth look into the world of special education and the inclusion delivery model. Written from the vantage point of a veteran instructional strategist, “The Speducator’s Inside Guide…” provides unique insight, testimonials, and proven strategies that are both practical and easily applicable. “The Speducator’s Inside Guide…” is a must have for both the aspiring and newly hired special education instructor looking to make a positive impact on their students and co-teachers.



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